Today, my friend and I found each other complaining about all the schoolwork we had to do before school got out ( even though we still have around 100 days until that happens) and it was not until later that I realized how silly we must have sounded.
Yes. Schoolwork can be stressful. Yes. Schoolwork can be overwhelming. And, YES! Sometimes schoolwork seems unnecessary.
But sometimes, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves why this is so important. While the papers and tests may not seem like it, they are stepping stones that are shaping us into the professionals that we are striving to be. Every stressful assignment that we complete, is one more out of the way to get to our degrees.
Stressful things are often stressful because they are IMPORTANT. We do not stress about the size of our shoes or the color of our neighbors hair, because it does not matter. Like the quotes all over my Pinterest feed say, "A diamond can only be made under stress". so take a step back and see how these challenges are positively shaping you. No rain, no flowers.
I am constantly worrying about balancing school and jobs. While I have been pretty successful in managing it all, I have been trying to get a second job ( just because I love to torture myself). I spend my free time looking for a new job and going through those AWFUL applications. Instead of being grateful for the one job I already have and appreciative of the fact that I am capable of being hired, I stress out about the fact that I do not have two. How sad...
But I know that this hard work WILL pay off and that my perseverance and dedication will help push me up to the top of the workforce one day. No rain, no flowers.
Being a twenty year old who is tragically single can be a very lonely thing. Thank goodness for friends!! It can be pretty discouraging to see all the cute couples covering my social media pages ( Especially during this time of year). However, I do not let this LONG spout of singleness get me down. I do not fall for the idea that it is because I am unloveable or unwanted... HECK NO. I know that this is the plan for me. I am building MYSELF first and then I will build a relationship SECOND. I will embrace my loneliness until I am truly ready for the next step in my life. No rain, no flowers.
There is no guarantee in life... period. Sometimes people are taken away from us WAY to soon. Sometimes we are faced with this heartbreaking reality that death pays no attention to a clock. I recently heard the news that someone I graduated with had been murdered. Someone I saw every day in homeroom. Someone who could make a bad day at school just a little better with a sarcastic joke. Someone who was just. too. young. These moments in life call for deep reflection. Our first reactions are to be mad. At the world. At the murder. At God, even. As time passes, some of us learn. Some of us are able to find a lesson within the tragedy. Yes, a life that had yet to be fully lived had ended before given the chance to fully thrive. But we can live better because of this lesson. I know now, that my youth gives me no advantage in the face of death. I can be taken away from my life just as easily. Maybe it is cheesy, but the loss I felt for my fellow class member gave me more life with each waking day. I will appreciate each breath just a little bit more, knowing that Chris no longer can. No rain, no flowers.