I think one of the biggest fears for children with divorced parents is the word "Remarriage" ( It is not our fault!!! Blame Disney with their evil stepmother crap ) So, yes. If I am being honest, my first instinct was to not like you. I set out with the idea in mind that you would be a hindrance to my life and stand in the way between my dad and I. I was worried that things would forever change when you came into my family's life...
and I was right. Things are forever changed...
forever changed for the better.

I now cannot imagine a life without you in it. You have been the exact opposite of the portrayal of literally EVERY step-mother EVER in any depiction Hollywood has given me. Not only have you made my dad's life better, but mine as well. I can not thank you enough for spicing up our food choices because before you came along, my dad's menu consisted of burgers and pizza ( I love you dad, but a girl needs more than that every once and a while). You took the time to get to know Allie and I. You made the whole awkward process of getting to know someone while also living with them so comfortable.
This part is kind of personal but it is the thing I am most thankful for. You have been there for my dad in ways that I can not. You are his second chance at love. His best friend. His person. I am sure your presence has been so important with me being away at school and Allie only being there every other week. You have shown him that he can also be a cat person ( even though he will never admit it to his friends). You have been one of the very few people who will watch his western/war movies with him and not complain. You have shown him the appreciation he deserves and I can not thank you enough for all that you do for him.

Thank you for giving me the older sister I never had and the brother I never had. Allie and I did not know what we were missing until you, Olivia and Matthew ( AND BRUNO) came into our lives. We will be forever blessed.

But it doesn't stop there. You care for Allie and I like we are your own daughters. You are my person to go to when I want to talk about a new book I just read ( it is so nice to have someone around who likes to read as much as I do). You go above and beyond to make sure we know how much you care. In such a short time, you have become someone I can look back on my successes and thank for being a support system that helped me get there.
So on your Birthday, I want you to know how important you are to me. Trying my hardest to give you something meaningful for your birthday has been hard due to my status as a broke college student but I am hoping that a letter will suffice for now.
You did not give me the gift of life but life gave me the gift of you