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Things I've learned from my Dad so far

1. OLD music will always have more soul and a better meaning than any new song on the radio. I realized this after singing along to "Turn the Page' (our motto for the summer) by Bob Segar in his truck and realized how powerful the words were and how much they spoke to not only me, but also my dad. Thank God for 80s rock and roll, amirate? (P.S. I also learned never to play anything by Nikki Minaj, especially her song "Beez in the Trap.")

2. Help every person you can. Whether you know them or not. Whether they have something to offer, or they don't. Do what is right and help another person just for the sake of being a good human being. The impact it has on your heart and soul is enough compensation.

3. Respect. This is something the majority of my generation has somehow forgotten. Respect for elders, for authority, for their parents. In a world where we blame our problems on other people and spite hate at our officers and soldiers, I will stand up for the flag and thank our cops and troops every chance I can.

4. How a boy should love me. By his undying love for Allie and I, he taught me that a boy that loves me will make sacrafices and love me unconditionally. Because of him, I will know what love will look like when I find it.

5. Live in the moment. Every time 'Boys of Fall' comes on, dad reminds me to hold on to my memories and enjoy every second while I still have it. When he listens to the lyrics and I see the hair on his arms rise, I know how important it is to live life to the fullest and make such beautiful memories that a song that reminds me of them causes the hair on my arms to do the same.

6. To treat everyone like a friend. There is no such things as a stranger to my dad. Although this is something most parents advise against, my dad taught me that there is something to be learned from every person I meet. Whether its the gas station worker in Alabama on our way to Florida, or the man we stop next to in traffic, my dad is willing to make a friend. Because of this, he has so many more connections and understanding of different points of view.

7. Hard work. With three different jobs, my dad made ends meet. Not only did he not complain about all the work, but he puts his heart and soul into all of them. When there is work to be done, my dad is the man. This has taught me how to be efficient with my time in school and how to work for the things that I want.

... now here are some silly things I learned growing up with a dad like mine... ( #justdadthings )

8. That you can cut off your finger and still drive yourself to the emergency room while taking pictures and videos on the way.

9. How to knock down a wasp nest with a beanbag shooter.

10. How to cut down a tree while balancing on the top of monkey bars.

11. How to fix an old truck's dashboard with only duct tape.

12. I learned many "shortcuts" around Evansville that I later found out made the trip 10 minutes longer. Most of the time I do not mind this because it is the more scenic route.

Thanks dad, you taught me far more lessons than I have learned in school ( but thanks for paying for that, too!)

** here is a video that not only describes the ways of my dad, but many y'all's dads. **

Thank you for every thing you do. You deserve 364 more days of appreciation.



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