It's 'kini season y'all and this topic is more important than ever.
For as long as I can remember, this time of year was full of mixed emotions. While I loved summer and time off from school, I dreaded bikini shopping and wearing clothes that revealed more of my body. I have never been the girl with the nice body or the girl with the body that you could find in magazines. This image of what my body should look like tends to stand next to me in the mirror when I am trying on bathing suits ( and this totally ruins my shopping vibe!!!) I know I am not alone in this battle with accepting my shape and loving myself no matter if I am in 3 layers of clothing or .5 ( lol )
The thing is, the ideal body is always changing. Long ago, thicker girls were getting all of the love. Now flat stomachs and thin legs are all the hype and I am a firm believer that things will again change soon. But even when the time for my body type comes back into style, I will not be satisfied. The 'Ideal" body should not exist at all. Each and every person should hold themselves to one standard only: their own standard. 10 year old girls should not be pinching at their arms and stomachs because they read a certain article on their mother's magazine. 20 year old girls should not have to worry about buying a size 10 dress just because all the other girls are wearing size 4. A mother of 3 should not be embarrassed of her stomach just because all the celebrity mom's are back in shape after 3 months ( It is called money ). The only reason someone should worry about their size is if it is health issue. If you carry extra weight, go to a doctor and make sure you are still in good health. If you are, screw the labels and rock that extra poundage! If you do want to lose weight, do it for you ( not to look like all the other girls).
My goal this summer is to stop comparing my body to every other girl's body at the pool. I do not want to be afraid of jumping off the diving board because that requires me getting out of the pool and everyone staring at my body. I want to carry enough confidence to get out of the pool without running straight to my towel to cover me up. I will OWN my body this summer. And yes, I do have a goal to lose weight. The difference is that I am doing it to be healthier and help me feel more comfortable in my own skin.
Body Confidence does not mean having a desirable body; it is having a body that you love ( even if everyone else finds it too small or too big)
Wear whatever suit you want by the pool this summer and love every moment in it. If you are happy and healthy, who cares what everyone else thinks? And on the days when you just aren't feeling it, do what I do... I like to go outside on a hot day so that no matter what... I AM HOT :)
Show off whatever the good Lord gave you and let go of the idea of what you 'should' look like!