I know that I have been writing quite a bit about college here lately... but as I took my last final today as a freshman, I felt the need to share what is on my mind.
It seems like just yesterday I was pulling up behind my dorm building and dropping off all of my bags. As I began carrying all my bags to my dorm, an upperclassmen had to point me in the right direction because I was headed towards the Kentucky Museum right next to my dorm... ( Total Freshman Move). As move in day progressed, the sudden reality of adulthood and college set in. My nerves and sadness overwhelmed me. I did not feel ready to say goodbye to my family and everything familiar. My first night was a hot mess. In between the excitement of meeting the great girls on my floor and running around campus, I spent my alone time upset about what I was missing back home. The small things like not having to take a Zyrtec because I was not around my dog made me cry.
As time went on and my friends became my new support system, I grew comfortable in my small dorm room and beautiful campus. Although I have lived in Indiana my whole life, I slowly became a Kentucky girl as well. Not only did I learn to accept my new lifestyle, but I became head over heels for college life. Mom and dad, if you are reading this, know that I still missed you every day that I was gone...but gosh darn it I have to admit that leaving my friends and campus behind for breaks was SUPER hard to do.
I was warned before college that the workload is not necessarily harder or more work, but it does take more commitment and responsibility ( and boy were they right). My High School prepared me for the rigor of college courses so the classes I signed up for were not hard for me to grasp. It was the showing up to class and forcing myself to do my homework instead of being with my friends that made the classes 10x harder. To you new freshman, make sure that you find friends that you can have fun with and also push you to work hard in school. This ideal friend is out there, I promise.
Another thing I learned this year is how much I did not know about myself. One of my first friends I met this year introduced me to the blogging world. I never in a million years thought about having one and HERE I AM. I also never thought that my faith would grow stronger. Coming from a Catholic High School into a private college gave me the impression that I would slowly fade away from my faith. But again, HERE I AM. I now talk more about God with my friends and have surrounded myself with lovers of Christ. I have tried new foods, experienced new things ( Like mudding and other Kentucky pastimes Lol ), and grown so. much. more. Embrace new things young ones, I may only be one year older than you but after one year of college, you gain so much knowledge and experience ( Don't fight me on this one).
Do not get caught up in what your plans for college were previous to setting foot on your campus. If you planed on joining a sorority or fraternity and ended up not liking it after rush week, do not worry about it. A few of my friends did the same thing and would not take a single thing back. If you are unsure of your major, explore different classes and things will fall together ( You still have time despite what your High School Counselor said ). If you are set on the kinds of friends you want, do not be afraid to make friends with people that are different from your hometown ones. My best friend became the one I walked past on the first day of school and judged her camo crocs ( I am sorry Kailyn, I love you and your Crocs ). Another one of my best friends was quiet and shy ( basically everything I am not) and I am so so so glad that I did not let that stand in the way of making her my friend because she has been a major force behind my well-being this school year.
The point is y'all, come in with an open mind and the idea that you are given a blank canvas. Go make something beautiful with it.