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To My Friend Who Lost Her Mom

I will never forget the day I woke up to a text from you and you told me the worst news I have ever received in my short 19 years. I did not want to believe that such a beautiful, strong woman could be taken from our lives so soon. How could such a healthy woman leave us with no explainable reason. To this day, I rely on my faith for answers.

I know what so many people must have told you...

"She is in a better place"

"God has an answer"

"She is happier and healthier now"

While all of these things may be true, it does not help. Therefore, I will not say them. All I can say is

"She is still with you"

" She gave you her greatness and you will carry it on"

"You now are stronger because of it."

God has tested you a lot at such a young age and you have proved to him that you are capable of all that he throws at you. You are SUCH a great servant to the Lord. Your grace and strength has bettered everyone around you and I can't help but imagine that your mom is looking down with the biggest smile on her face. It only makes sense that such a kindhearted woman would have a daughter who could positively impact everyone she met.

Every time I get inside of my car, I see her picture on my visor. You and your family always cross my mind when I see that picture. I feel safe in knowing that she is looking after me when I am on the road. I am also reminded of her every time I walk in the mall. She begged us to hang out everywhere but there because it was "Sketchy" (lol). She cared SO much about every person that came into her life and you have now taken on that responsibility. We all miss her so much but you make it easier because we can see her in you.

Take faith in knowing that she is watching you and that my hand will always be there to hold on days when you can not feel her. Thank you for teaching me that you can make a beautiful impact even when the ugliest things happen.




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