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Things I learned my Freshman Year of College

I know that there are millions of these out there and I am also aware that many of the things I may share could be similar. This will not stop me from sharing what I learned because I know that there are many people (just like me a year ago) that will do their research the summer before they move away from home. I remember reading blog post after blog post of advice and horror stories and everything else in-between. I hope someone out there will be able to take away from this!

1. You will meet people VERY different from you. You will also meet people who seem to be a lot like you. The funny thing is, a lot of the times the people you would never expect to be your friend, become your people. Do not be afraid to branch out and meet people with different personalities and backgrounds.

2. If you think you know yourself before college, I promise you probably don't. This first year of college demands so much growing and it is almost impossible to finish even one semester without being a changed person. Don't worry, this is usually a change for the better.

3. The dorm rooms are not that bad. Although many of your older friends came back last year and complained to you about their living conditions, the horror stories are most likely exaggerated. I even caught myself making remarks about my dorm that I did not really mean. Sure, I had musty smells come from my AC and the occasional roach or spider, but you learn to live. The fact that you have the opportunity to go to college is enough to look past these small things. Embrace it.

4. Set some money aside to eat off campus with. My campus has so many options(Chick-Fil-A, Papa Johns and Panda Express are the most popular) but you can only eat so much of a few things before your stomach begins to hate you.

5. You do not have to be in Greek Life to get a true college experience. I have friends that are not in a frat or sorority and I have friends that are and all of them still love college just the same. I did not rush and I have yet to regret my decision not to. Put yourself out there and meet new people! This is all that matters.

6. The party scene is not for everyone (and that is okay). My friends and I go bowling every Thursday night while some people set aside their Thursday nights for partying. Although I may be biased, I like to believe that I am having just as much fun. You will hear frat boys screaming "Saturday's are for the boys!" and in my case, they are. I set aside my Saturdays for coffee hangs and spontaneous adventures with some of my best friends. Take all the Saturday's you need boys, we don't care ;)

7. DO NOT OVERPACK. I can not stress this enough. I am the QUEEN of o v e r p a c k i n g and my eyes were opened to this horror my freshman year. I promise you do not need 10 pillows, 5 extra toothbrushes and a million trinkets on your desk. Chill out a little on the packing.

8. Community bathrooms are not that bad. Sure, you may be a little shy... but you get used to it. Everyone on the floor gets used to the routines and you will find the perfect time to shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, etc...

9. Keep an extra charger next to your bed. I can't count on my hand how many times my charger unplugged and fell down the crack between my bed and the wall. Save yourself the stress and anger of getting out of bed and crawling under your bed at 2a.m.

10. ENJOY IT. The first month is scary and you may even start counting down the days until summer ( I did the first week). I will admit that I hated college until I gave it a chance. I wasted so much time wishing it away that I didn't see how amazing it was. After a month of getting used to the routine and making amazing friends, I did not want my freshman year to end. You only have so much time to make beautiful memories, use them wisely. I already want to do it all over again.

These are only a FEW of the things I learned. If I were to write them all down, the list would be longer than my english composition textbook...

Remember that everyone experiences college differently, but that does not mean there isn't something to learn from other people's. To the incoming freshman, remember to take it all in and try not to stress yourself out so much. It just goes too darn fast.




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