You probably will never see this but I still think it is important to write down the little moments that were actually big things that went down in our room.
First of all...
1. watch out for the dripping ceiling on the right side of the room by the window. DO NOT set up you bed to where your head will be directly under that. I called maintenance several times just to wake up to nasty leakage on my face every day of the summer months. ( EW!)
2. There is a hidden note in the hole at the top of the wall on the right side of the room in the corner. If the cleaning crew hasn't already found it, be sure to read it :)
3. If you think the mold in your AC is bad, go check out some of the other girl's dorm rooms on your floor. You got the cleanest one, my friend.
Room 811 may still just be a dorm room to you, but i promise it will start to feel more like home.
I spent a few hours in the desk corner of the room crying about missing home at the beginning of the year. As time went on, I did not want to leave. So when you sit on your bed, missing home (because you will), remember that you will soon be sitting in your home, missing your dorm.
My friends and I spent so many hours in 811 doing homework and cramming around my tiny laptop screen to watch movies. Do the same, my friends and I have so many great memories in there. I also hope that you are not the partying type because my dorm room got pretty used to a whole bunch of girls staying IN on those thirsty Thursday nights and many weekends. If not, that's cool too.
Living across the hallway from the kitchen seems pretty nice at first (doesn't it). IT IS NOT. You will hear that loud kitchen door open and close at all hours. You have the early birds waking you up at 7 to make their breakfast or wash their dishes and you got the people in and out at 3-4 a.m making late night snacks. Be warned.
This applies to all dorm rooms everywhere... but make sure to leave that door open for the first week of school. Room 811 had it's doors open y e a r round last year and had many frequent guests because of it. My two best friends at college were the ones that saw my door open, and decided to hang out for a bit. I LITERALLY met my best friends because of that silly little block of wood that held my dorm room door open that whole year.
You will tell all your people back home how cramped up that dorm room is and you may even dare to call it a jail cell... but when the last two weeks of the Spring semester roll around, you will start to take down your decorations (that you had waaaayyy to many of) and you will be overwhelmed with sadness. When you start packing up and taking boxes to your car, you will remember the excitement of when you were carrying them in at the beginning of the year. Take it all in before you start taking everything out.
Cherish your time in this room. I did so much growing in it and you will too.