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It's the Little Things

I have been reading that simply acknowledging the simple things in life that bring you joy can make you a happier person. I went all out in order to test this out and bought a notebook to start recording these small things. After listing off a few, I began to feel the impact it was already making. I will look back on this notebook when I am having a bad day to remind me that there are so many things that should make my day a little brighter. Here are my first 100 things I have listed in my notebook! Enjoy. I hope you can find some inspiration within the list.

1.The cracking sound the mouth makes when it smiles.

2. The last couple sips of coffee that are mostly whipped cream and syrup.

3. When "Don't Stop Believin'" plays in public & a whole bunch of people start to sing along.

4. The time of day right before the sun sets.

5. The smell of rain.

6. When the leaves change color but haven't fallen from the trees yet

7. Driving down the highway by myself, singing Fleetwood Mac.

8. The smell of old/used records

9. Spoken word poetry...

10. Or any poetry for the matter.

11. Singing/dancing to throwback music with friends.

12. Seeing the sun rise BEFORE I even go to bed.

13. The softness of a dogs ear.

14. A cold shower after a hard workout.

15. Wedding proposal videos on youtube.

16. Silly Facebook quizzes like, "Build a Pizza and we will describe your dream man!".

17. raindrops on sunroofs.

18. The smell of sunscreen/tanning oil

19. Soldier coming home videos

20. listening to "Angry American (courtesy of the red, white and blue)" on the Fourth of July.

21. The sound of motorcycles.

22. Motorcycle rides with my dad.

23. smell of a new book.

24. Fresh sheets and warm blankets straight from the dryer.

25. The smell of a bonfire.

26. Driving with all the windows down and the wind blowing through my h a i r.

27. String lights

28. L I V E music

29. daddy/daughter songs

30. Morning walks.

31. hand written letters/notes

32. When you give someone a second chance and they prove you right.

33. baby grass (lol)

34. The magic of New Years.

35. Lighting a million candles and watching them flicker.

36. Getting a package in the mail

37. Catching up with an old friend.

38. A clear, starry night

39. The way my hair feels right after a haircut.

40. The road to a friends house.

41. Literally any kind of baby animals.

42. Bible journaling.

43. Receiving a drawing from a little kid.

44. The smell of honeysuckle.

45. Watching my pets sleeping.

46. Old photos.

47. When my sister feels the need to shorten e v e r y word.

48. finding other book lovers & talking about our favorite reads.

49. Every. Single. Episode of friends.

50. Grease, the musical

51. When random strangers wave/smile at me.

52. Any movie with Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Hanks or Johnny Depp in it.

53. The sound of crickets/frogs on a summer night.

54. Laughing until I cry and my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

55. My grandmas mashed potatoes.

56. Sunflower fields.

57. Tiny umbrellas in fruity drinks.

58. When my dad talks about his glory days.

59. Pillows of all shapes and sizes.

60. Going into a furniture store and playing house.

61. Guitar solos. Or even better... talk boxes that make the guitar talk.

62. A full tank of gas.

63. full moons.

64. Coming home from an event where I had to wear a dress and heels (yuck!) and changing into sweatpants and fuzzy socks.

65. Putting together cute, themed gifts to give to my loved ones.

66. Shopping trips with my mom. and movie dates with my mom. and dinner dates with my mom

67. Hearing someone sing the National Anthem live.

68. When my college football team gets a touchdown ad the fireworks go off.

69. VooDoo Child coffee from a downtown coffee shop in my hometown.

70. My step moms baked spaghetti.

71. Making playlists.

72. Finding inspiration from strangers and finding comfort in knowing I've probably inspired strangers myself.

73. When you get your back popped and you feel like you have a brand new body.

74. Receiving a good grade on a test or paper you worked really hard on.

75. hearing a song so powerful that it gives me goosebumps.

76. Outdoor concerts.

77. Shaving with a brand new razor.

78. First sign of a tan line at the beginning of spring.

79. Poprocks (my favorite candy)

80. The smell of my hair after a shower.

81. green eyes

82. bubble baths.

83. Coloring with sharpies.

84. Halloween. Everything about it. The candy. The scary movies. The costumes. Haunted houses.

85. Record stores and bookstores ( & spending h o u r s in them )

86. Beating my little sister at the board game "Life".

87. Any song that ( even slightly ) references Indiana.

88. fried macaroni bites.

89. Watching/reading stories about animals being rescued and given a happy, healthy home.

90. Dark chocolate covered almonds.

91. Confessing to one of my weird quirks and having someone else say, "Me too".

92. nonfiction books

93. Eating in the outdoor seating at a restaurant.

94. Lemon scents.

95. Talking about astrology with my friends even though we aren't fully convinced by it.

96. Documentaries

97. wrap around porches (#HouseGoals)

98. 80s Rock n' Roll

99. Really old buildings (like the ones downtown in my hometown)

100. Throwing waayyy too many scent beads into the washer and getting really nice smelling clothes in return.

Its all about the little things y'all....




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