Put down the makeup. You still have clear skin and fresh eyes. I would kill to still have that luxury. Honestly, you will still be pretty bad at putting it on ten years from now...
Learn how to braid sooner. The side ponytail is a thing of the past, my friend
"THE WORST DAY OF YOUR LIFE" actually is not. Sometimes bad things happen but I promise it is not the end of the world. The bad days will only make you stronger. believe me when I tell you that there are plenty of good days ahead. Breathe.
Do not hold back your laugh. Who cares if it sounds goofy, or if it is too loud. Even at 19, you will still be laughing at cheesy jokes and fail contemplations.
Do not be afraid to openly express your love for reading. Surprisingly, no one really pays attention to the fact that you would rather read than watch a reality tv show. And honestly, who cares?
Let go of that friend who only comes around for help. You do not need to waste your energy and love on people who use you. Save it for people who truly care.
On the other hand, do not give up so easily on people. Sometimes, the hardest people to get to know, are the best to have around. Test yourself, girl!
Take your dog on a walk. She will one day be so old that she can no longer make it around the block. You will miss the days that you could run around the whole neighborhood with her.

Hug your sister more often. She will grow so fast and the day you move away and no longer live with her will come sooner than you think.
Do not die your hair brown again. It looked bad before, it will look bad again. DO NOT RUIN YOUR HAIR. You will cry once you see the results and change it back the next day. (This is coming from blonde Sidney 4x later)
I am sorry that I sometimes let go of the feelings you have. Responsibilities and commitments cause me to loose sight of all the beauty and magic you see in the world. I am still trying everyday to still be the positive girl you are. Hold on to the magic for as long as you can.
lastly, do not hate future me if I am not what you expected. Sometimes great things need a lot of time to grow. Honestly, at nineteen, I am still 100% unsure of who I want to be. Understand that 'Little Sidney' is always in the back of the mind when I am trying to better myself. Be patient.