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Dance Like Everyone Is Watching ( Because They Are )

We are told from a very young age to sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching. While this old saying may relieve anxiety, it teaches us that the only way we can embrace our true nature in public is if we pretend the people aren't there. Instead, let's inspire others to not only want to embrace their original spirit, but make sure everyone notices as well.


Dance BECAUSE other people are watching. Take every opportunity to showcase your personality and your talents. See every public space as a chance to inspire others to seek originality. We live in a society with ridiculous expectaions and labels. Dare to be the individual who breaks the rules and decides to show the world that the only standard you should be held to is the one you make for yourself.


Love yourself enough to show the world why you do. Be confident enough to decide to act and look however you please and then, broadcast it to the world. We were all raised to dance like no one is watching and now we have a whole bunch of people dancing to the same choreography. Be the person who makes up the dance as they go.



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