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5 rookie mistakes every Senior High School Student makes

I was in your place exactly a year ago today. Wondering what i was doing wrong with my last semester as a High School Student flying by. I felt overwhelmed by college preparation, senior requirements, and the feeling that I did not live my high school years to the fullest. Now that I am looking back, I can list off some warnings I wished someone would have told me...

1. GO TO THE GAME. Or the club meeting. Or the party. Or the senior trip. Take in everything your school has to offer. Although you can go back and see another football or basketball game after you have graduated, it will never compare to standing in the student section , surrounded by the immense school pride. With every event that passes by, so do the missed experiences you will never have the chance to do again.

2. FORGIVE. For the most part, many of your class will never be around each other again. If you had a rough patch with someone in the past, be the bigger person and let it go. Your heart will be lighter and your soul will be happier if you can let go of grudges and resentments you have carried for years. This step in the right direction may even lead to a new/renewed friendship.

3. TAKE PICTURES. I never would have thought that I would forget the way my classrooms or classmates looked like after being around them almost everyday for four years, but it seems to be fading already. With every memory you make, try to take a picture to remember it by. This time is so precious.

{ Picture on our last day. Obviously very upset about leaving each other and moving on }

4. THANK YOUR TEACHERS. These people, despite the torturous assignments and challenging tests, want to see you happy and successful. They were your cheerleaders for all four years and did so with no other motivation than to see you prosper. On top of a bigger paycheck, they deserve your gratitude and respect.

5. CONTINUE TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF. It is easy to coast through to the end of senior year but there are so many more learning opportunities that can help you through your first year of college. If your work load is not heavy, take up a cooking class or a self defense class. I challenge you to talk to someone out of your friend group. Every person has something to teach you and High School cliques can sometimes stand in the way. Every chance to better yourself will help you in the near future. Do not sell yourself short.

Although it was not in the list, do not forget to simply enjoy the present. With every urge to plan for the future, take the last couple of months living in the moment. I promise you will not regret it.

{ Last time chanting "Go Big Blue" as a senior class before we graduated }




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