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Reasons Why I am Glad I Chose Western Kentucky University

Although school pride can be found at any campus around the world, the pride I take in this University is like no other.

There are too many reasons why this campus is so dear to my heart so I will spare you the time and only share a few.

1. The beautiful scenery and nature on campus. The old buildings and amazing history that covers the whole campus is inspiring to every student who takes the time to admire it. No matter where you are on campus, you are not far from a very peaceful place to study, while also enjoying the surrounding nature. We even have a rule on campus that for every tree that has to be cut down, two will be planted in it's place. ( How lovely is that?)

2. The sense of community. Everyone is welcomed and everyone is family on the hill. You want to wear a dinosaur costume to class? High five! Are you from a different country? Tell me more. You are religious? Here's worship groups on campus! Every race, religion, sexual orientation and way of life is embraced here at western and we are all better people for it.

3. FOOTBALL. My freshman dorm resided in 'the valley'. To those unfamiliar with the campus, this is the area where all the football tailgates took place. WKU football games are the only acceptable place to be on a Saturday. Even on a rainy day, most of our fans come out three hours before the game to celebrate their favorite team. ( GO TOPS )

4. The food. Whoever said college campus food was terrible, obviously never attended WKU. I mean, a campus with chick-fil-a and Panda Express have their students stomachs (and hearts) in mind. The food on campus is so tasty that Bowling Green residents who do not attend the school will stop by our cafeterias for lunch or dinner.

5. The education. This is the reason we go to college after all (or at least it should be). At Western, we are given so many opportunities to broaden our horizons and boost our intellectual capabilities. As students, we are given the chance to grow into independent, well-informed human beings. Not only are we given the chance, but we are expected to use them ( I love that I go to a school where they hold us accountable!)

6. The fact that it's in the south. Being a girl from Indiana, I was initially thrown back by the sayings like "fixin' to" or "reckon to". The southern charm and way of life has grown on me and has made me a more happy person. Even the cloudiest of days on campus can be fixed with the southern charm of many of the university students.

7. The surrounding town. Bowling Green is an ideal college city. My parents do not have to worry about the city I spend my time in when I'm away from them. It's a safe, prosperous city with many fun things to do and places to adventure. Notable places for WKU students include: GADs, Cookout, Lost River Cave & the bowling alley.

8. Lastly, the friends I have made here are enough to make me grateful for Western. It is so crazy for me to think about the fact that they would not be in my life if I were to have chosen any other school in the country. I just look at them and it confirms that I DEFINITELY made the right choice.

As you can see, I could make this list longer than the hill itself. All it really takes for someone to see the same things I've listed above is it set foot on campus. So warning to people considering this school: don't have your heart set on any other school if you plan on visiting this one as well.

P.s. How many campuses can say that they have a whole bunch of white squirrels running around? My guess is not many.

Go Big Red




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