( I wrote this for my little sister for her Confirmation day)
**The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism and is the final step into the initiation of the Catholic Church**

Sometimes I wonder how the girl who used to bug me every day to help watch her baby dolls is now almost 17. It seemed like just yesterday you would come into my room and sleep with me because you were scared E.T. was in our living room. I always like to think that you have grown up to become the cool person you are today because of me, but I am pretty sure you are now cooler than me. We did not always get along and I regret that... because now that I am gone at college, I want to take back all those days we fought and trade them in right now. You are SO beautiful and SO amazing. I want you to know that I am very proud to be your sister and it has been an honor to get to watch you grow up.

I may not call all the time and I do not always voice my love, but you are in my heart every. single. day. As far as I know, we are still a pretty amazing sister duo. We have gone through so may things together and times have not always been easy. But I thank God every day for the challenges he placed in front of us because it brought us together in a way some sisters simply can not understand. So far, being you big sister and guiding you through life has been the greatest honor of my life. I remember my heart being broken when you confided in me that girls from your fifth grade class were excluding you. I could not understand how someone as funny and kind as you could not make friends (but they were just jealous). It took everything in me not to march into that school and shake some sense into every single one of them. But look at you now, homecoming princess and Miss. popular.

You were a cheerleader for a few years but I have been one for 17. Although your title as one required pom-poms and a skirt, mine was just a heart that wanted the best for you. I am SO proud of you. Whether it was cheering you on from the stands during your volleyball games or being the proud sister watching you walk down the football field in your homecoming dress, I will always be astounded by the many great things you can do.

They say that you are only half a person until someone comes around and makes you whole and I think you are my other half. You make me want to be the best version of myself. You bring out all of my good qualities. I studied hard to get good grades just so you would do the same. I try to be kind to everyone I can so that you will always have a good example of God's love. I can look at you and understand God's greatness. So today, as you take your next step in your faith, just know that He will always be there for you, and so will I. When I thank God for my blessings, I thank him for you twice.
